Today is March 11, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

March Board of Education Report and Upcoming Events

We continue to be busy with our Religious School activities throughout February. Our Barton’s Passover Candy Sale got underway the first part of February. Thank you to all who helped sell the candy, and to those of you who supported our school by purchasing candy. The candy will be arriving soon so be sure to check your emails for pick up arrangements.

On February 9th Rockin’ Shabbat was held.

On February 11th the CSI first through tenth graders went on a fieldtrip to Forest Hills United Methodist Church to participate in the Backpack Ministries Program. Our students packed 417 bag of food (three school’s worth) that will go to those students in need in the Bibb County Schools. These bags go home with these students over the weekend when they might not get the nourishment they get on school days. When there is a holiday break the students get bags that are filled even more, to hold them over until they return to school. We are very proud of our students for their participation in this program, and thanks to Pam Webster for making the arrangements. Backpack Ministries does accept do-nations, and at this time are in need of plastic grocery bags, peanut butter crackers, and cheese crackers.

On February 25th our Seedlings and First through Third Graders celebrated Purim with a Purim Carnival. Activities included lots of arts and crafts activities like making recycled robots, decorating Purim masks and crowns, musical Haman (instead of chairs), pin the cherry blossom on the topsy turvey tree, and making shalach manot bags. Everyone came dressed in costume and had a great time! Our 4th through 10th graders baked hamantaschen in the CSI kitchen with Marty Koplin.

March 2 Rockin’ Shabbat at 5:30 and Congregational Shabbat Dinner
March 4th Sunday School with Seedlings and Teens, and afternoon Hebrew
March 2-4 Visit from our ISJL Education Fellow
March 11 Sunday School and Afternoon Hebrew
March 18 A special Passover program is planned for Sunday School, with Seedlings and Teens, and Afternoon Hebrew
March 25 NO Sunday School or Afternoon Hebrew