Today is March 11, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Board of Education Report October 2018

Sunday and Hebrew School are off to a great start with many activities celebrating the many holidays on our calendar.
First and foremost, thank you so much to Louis and Emily Piassick for putting together the two youth/family services on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Our kids had a wonderful time participating in the services with their families, opening the ark doors and reciting the many blessings. Thank you to Deborah Adler, Erica Wilkinson and Michael Kruger for helping with the Hebrew; A really big Yasher Koach to Jay Freedman, who came in from the “big” sanctuary to read the Torah portions.
On September 9th, Blair Kruger and Bonnie Cornelius provided and distributed apples and honey to our kids, a sweet and very meaningful snack.
September 23rd, our kids enjoyed our annual Cereal in the Sukkah. Prior to having breakfast, the kids helped decorate the CSI sukkah. Thank you to Bonnie Cornelius, Erica Wilkinson, Angie Brown, Shaw Bullington and Chrissy Crabtree for getting the various cereals (see photo next page), serving, setting up and cleaning up. Thank you to aids Nicole Hill and Amitai Ilan. All the classes participated in dancing with Sharona and Rabbi Aaron providing accordion backup. The seedling class had an activity where they were asked to design a “sukkah” (made with at least 3 design components, symbolizing the three sides of a sukkah). The sukkah had to be sturdy enough to hold an egg, so when the sukkah was dropped, the egg would not break. Sadly, all the eggs broke and the winner was decided based on creativity and design. Lilah Hutten (photo below) designed a very colorful sukkah and was named the winner. All the kids’ designs were imaginative and beautifully designed.
On September 30th, there was a Simchat Torah activity where the Torah was unrolled. (See photo below of Shale Norwitz with daughter Samara).
Thank you to our principals, Craig Wilkinson, Louis Piassic and David Corneilius.
For a little shul, we have amazing volunteers who come in and give their precious free time, to make this school the little shul that could.