Today is February 23, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

May Promises To Be Busy!

Everyone has heard the old adage about April showers bringing May flowers. It is true! Please take time to enjoy all the beautiful flowers and trees all over Macon and especially at our own CSI. It is hard to believe that a little more than ten years, ago we were getting ready to welcome back Rabbi Rubinstein to our Congregation. Thank you for all you do to make our Kehilla warm and spiritual! We also want to acknowledge the 11th anniversary for our secretary extraordinaire, Stephanie Johnson. She has been a great help making sure our synagogue is up and running each and every day!

May will be a busy month with guests and programming abounding. Our first weekend in May will be a wonderful Scholar-in-Residence /Yom HaShoah Weekend with our speaker, Janice Friebaum. She will give a short D’Var Torah at the Friday night service, followed by a Shabbat dinner. The weekend continues on Saturday morning with our regular Saturday morning service, followed by kiddush lunch. On Saturday evening, there is additional programming and a Havdalah service at the home of Jami and Jimmy Gaudet. On Sunday, our weekend will conclude with the Yom HaShoah program, and Ms. Friebaum will be our featured speaker. More details can be found elsewhere in the bulletin.

A notice will be going out soon for our annual Congregational meeting in June. Please let Stephanie know about any of our CSI family members graduating so that we may honor them in our next bulletin. We do not want to leave anyone out. Although Spring is here, the weather is still a bit unusual for this time of year, and the pollen count is extremely high, so be sure and take extra precautions to avoid the springtime colds, allergies, and any remaining flu or COVID still hanging around by staying home if you are ill and frequently
washing your hands. Please make good use of antiseptic hand cleaners and use Kleenex when you sneeze.

Hope all of you have a great month! See all of you in shul!

Shelley and Jan