611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
As I write my article, March is winding down. Passover is almost here. Our little Kehilla was certainly very busy this past month here at CSI. I am sure all the “kids” big and small enjoyed the return of our Purim skit and the wonderful corn beef sandwiches and Beyond Meat burgers with all the Continue Reading »
It hardly seems that February has come and gone! The weather was variable enough to make everyone sick with colds and runny noses. Thank you to all who have cooperated with wearing masks and social distancing so we could get back in person. Teamwork really makes our Kehilla strong and great. With improvements in Bibb Continue Reading »
January is supposed to be a quiet month for activities, but not at CSI! We have had a busy start. Rabbi Rubinstein, Sharona, and Zohar have all made our Shabbat services really wonderful with the added readings and illustrations they have shared. We all experienced meaningful shares with Sharona about her mother’s memory and also Continue Reading »
I hope everyone had a good winter break. We were sorry to hear of the passing of Sharona’s mother, Faye Paller. May her memory continue to be for a blessing. Thank you to all who came in person or on zoom to help make a minyan for Shiva. Rabbi Rubinstein is back and due to Continue Reading »
I hope everyone had a good holiday of Thanksgiving this past month. I know that the time away from Macon gave me a chance to take the time to think of all the things I was thankful for. I am thankful for my family, friends, my family’s health, and all that I have and am Continue Reading »
The High Holidays are behind us as well as Sukkot and Simchat Torah. I want to offer a big thank you to the Rabbi, Sharona, Zohar and all of the volunteers who helped make our holidays happen. All of you helped make our Zoom services warm, inclusive, and almost as good as if we were Continue Reading »
The High Holidays are behind us as well as Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Sadly, we were unable to share some of these services in person, but thanks to some creativity on the part of the Rabbi, we were able to have a courtyard Simchat Torah with a decent turnout. Hopefully next year, the calendar and Continue Reading »
The High Holidays are coming! Some of us say they have snuck up on us. I guess if we were really truthful, we would say we just were not paying attention and the time has gotten away from us. I know how much we were all looking forward to in person services for the High Continue Reading »
Summer has just flown by! After a very challenging year and a half since the pandemic first reared its ugly head, we at CSI are doing our best to bring things back to a semblance of normal. Our children are heading back to school in their secular life, and we are busy making plans for Continue Reading »
In writing my final article as Shul President, I looked back at my first bulletin article from2017 and thought about all the changes we have seen in the last 4 years. If back in 2017 I would have predicted that we would have as we saw this past Friday night participants in services from Mexico, Continue Reading »