611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
I hope everyone is having a great Pesach! I truly look forward to having Seder next year in person with family and friends. Speaking of being back together, as we are all aware, with the roll out of vaccines, we are getting closer to being able to have services together in person. We are working Continue Reading »
As we start January, we reflect back on what was a very challenging year. I received a card from a close friend that he sends out annually about all that has happened with this past year. One of the things my friend touched on was as difficult a year as it has been, there are Continue Reading »
It is kind of hard to believe we are at the end of August. As we move into September, we have the High Holidays coming. Yeah, I agree it is too hot to think of the High Holidays. Looks like it will cool down a little over the next couple of weeks. Rabbi and his Continue Reading »
Hmmmmm. Where do we start. A lot has happened since my last article. On top of dealing with a major pandemic, we are seeing a major shift in issues which have needed attention for a long time. I am not sure I remember seeing a summer with so much tension and frustration on the part Continue Reading »
I hope everybody is doing well. A lot has happened since our last newsletter, and I want to bring everybody up to date on one of the projects we were working on in late March. We were made aware in February of a Security Grant Program for Non-Profits available through Homeland Security. We worked with Continue Reading »
I hope everybody had a great Chanukah! We were treated to a phenomenal Chanukah Family Night earlier this month. Thanks to all the volunteers who put together this fun evening for the everybody. It is pretty incredible what we are able to put together with dedicated volunteers.It was also pretty incredible hearing the Rabbi this Continue Reading »
I apologize for not getting an article into the bulletin last month. I would like to reflect on a couple things as we are well into 5780. To start off, Mazel Tov to the Bullington family on the Bar Mitzvah of Cameron and Porter! It has been a true pleasure watching these boys grow into Continue Reading »
One hundred years ago our Congregation purchased the property on the corner of Plum and First Street for $7,000 for the purpose of building a synagogue. Beginning with a fund of $6,000, the forty members of the congregation raised $23,000 among themselves to begin construction. That is worth over $380,000 in today’s dollars. We owe Continue Reading »
How do we harness positive energy? That was the question the Rabbi and I discussed after our Adult Ed Meeting during the month of August. There were so many great ideas which came up. We see similar positive energy with our Board of Education meetings. Great ideas that will provide our kids outstanding educational experiences. Continue Reading »
As I write this article, the month of May is winding down. School year is ending, graduation occurs for many families, vacation plans being made, planning for upcoming year at the Shul are just some of the many events which are occurring. I have said it before. The kids in our religious school have great Continue Reading »