611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
At the synagogue, we just wrapped up the close of another fun, educational, and eventful Religious School year. We also had our Annual Congregational Meeting. As I noted in my President’s remarks, one of the positive qualities found in smaller congregations is certainly the warm fellowship of familiar faces. What can be challenging for leadership Continue Reading »
The month of May is one of my favorite months. Hey, a month that honors mothers has got to be good! In addition, typically the weather temperature is wonderfully moderate and pleasant. The landscape is alive with greenery and color. I was able to appreciate the tapestry of Spring scenery on the interstate traveling Continue Reading »
You know you are in the middle of Spring when Macon’s Cherry Blossom trees are in bloom and pollen is wafting through the air! This is the month for April showers to bring on those May flowers as the saying goes! The rain is needed and is a reminder of how all living things need Continue Reading »
The month of March heralds many things. To name a few…the start of Spring, Daylight Savings Time, Spring Breaks, March Madness, Macon’s Cherry Blossom Festival and even National Goof Off Day. (Yes, that’s actually a “thing” on March 22nd! Who knew?!) The Jewish holiday of Purim is also in March. Our Religious School youth Continue Reading »
Ah, February…a month synonymous with LOVE! For some here in the south it’s a love of cooler temperatures and a chance to finally dust off the fireplace and actually use it. For some it’s a love of football and getting to watch the Super Bowl with friends and family. But of course it’s also the Continue Reading »
January heralds the arrival of the new secular year, 2016! Seems like just yesterday it was the momentous occasion of being the year 2000, as we waited anxiously to see if the paranoia of the much talked about “Y2K bug” would crash computers worldwide as the year rolled over. Thankfully, time marched on without Continue Reading »
Hanukkah 2015 begins in the evening of Sunday, December 6th. The “Festival of Lights” evokes many historical and family memories such as the ancient victory in reclaiming the Temple, the “miracle” of the oil, lighting Hanukkah menorahs, savoring potato latkes, jelly filled doughnuts (sufganiyot), & chocolate gelt and spinning dreidels. Whether you use coins or Continue Reading »
Thomas Jefferson was once quoted as saying “I cannot live without books.” Well here at Congregation Sha’arey Israel, we don’t need to! It’s time for our Annual Jewish Book Fair Extraordinaire once again! An array of books for toddlers through adults to suit your fancy will be on display to order and purchase from Continue Reading »
If the Jewish Calendar Year has a “busy season”, then certainly the month of Tishri is it! From the deeply spiritual recent High Holy Days, followed by the historically and agriculturally significant Sukkot, to the separate but connected Holy Day of Shemini Atzeret and the unbridled joy of Simchat Torah…congregations the world over experience Continue Reading »
Wow! Times flies. As a child, summers felt like they lasted forever, but as an adult they seem to roll by in a flash. While we might wish that summers linger a bit longer, there is also anticipation to see some relief from the heat and feel the first hint of cooler weather. For Continue Reading »