611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
Purim is around the corner, and, in the footsteps of our tradition, we literally make merry. The rabbis of the Talmud taught: “when the month of Adar begins, we increase our joy.” I’d like to reflect a bit upon the audacity of this rabbinic teaching. The story of Esther gives us a glimpse of a Continue Reading »
As I write these words, the bone-chilling cold seems to have eased up. My cat, transfixed by a couple of birds visiting a hanging basket (noticeably worse for the wear), was making some funny chirpy noises I had not noticed before. (Note to self: time to nurture a few plants and soak in the beautiful Continue Reading »
As I write these words, there are a couple of nights left in Hanukkah and (secular) New Year’s Eve is around the corner. So – a few passing thoughts… 1. Milledgeville lighting was big fun! Many thanks to Jack Krapf, Jennifer Baxley, and the terrific guy from the city (I don’t have his name) who Continue Reading »
As I write these words, folks are heading out for Thanksgiving break to see family, to soak in a few days of rejuvenation. At the risk of repeating something we’ve all surely heard many times: We have plenty of blessings in our lives, and we should express our gratitude to friends, to family, to God. Continue Reading »
The festival-filled month of Tishrei is over, and we’ll sing in the new month of Cheshvan on the first Shabbat of November…during which we’ll celebrate the bar mitzvah of Josh Hoffman! And — a quick Mazel Tov to Saybel Shuster and her family on the occasion of her bat mitzvah (the last Shabbat in October)! Continue Reading »
When we use this word this way: I want you to concentrate — we’re saying somethingabout gathering our mental energies in order to focus on something. In a very different context, we might refer to a particular liquid (orange juice, for example) in a concentrated form. Then, we’re talking about something that we dilute in Continue Reading »
As I write these words on the last Friday of August, Labor Day is just around the corner. A refrain from a favorite Grateful Dead tune: ‘Summertime’s come and gone, my oh my.’ In addition to our looking into September, this Shabbat we announce the imminent arrival of Elul, the month that serves as a Continue Reading »
Here we are, and it’s already August!! In my seasonal Spotify playlist, I’d point to US Blues by the Grateful Dead because of the recurring line: “Summertime’s come and gone, my oh my.” In my FB feed, I see the kids of shul families off to a new school year. High school grads starting college. Continue Reading »
May is already here! The opening weekend features our scholar-in-residence, Janice Friebaum. Many thanks to Jami Gaudet, to Roz Simson, to our shul leaders who made this special weekend come together. If you’re in town I hope you make the most of these opportunities! Changing gears for a moment – whether it’s the ongoing misery Continue Reading »
So, Purim…Mel Brooks fans — I hope you enjoyed the tidbits of silliness! Always great to see the kids, to hear the enthusiasm, some awesome costumes! Kudos to Dan Wengier and his dedicated kitchen crew: Shushan was well-fed 🙂 Also, hats off to the choir folks who miraculously pulled off the crazy shpiel! Passover (there…I Continue Reading »