611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
My father was God and didn’t know it. He gave me the Ten Commandments not in thunder and not in anger, not in fire and not in a cloud, but gently and with love. He added caresses and tender words, “Would you” and “please.” And chanted “remember” and “keep” with the same tune, and pleaded Continue Reading »
Tazri’a-Metsora: A Story of Awareness and Healing Yardén Raber, Conservative Yeshiva Talmud Faculty The book of Leviticus (Sefer Vayikra ספר ויקרא) entails many difficulties for the modern reader. First, it can easily be conceived as a cluster of ritual laws that have little to do with our modern Jewish experience. Second, the priestly image of the Continue Reading »
As Passover approaches we return to the annual rituals of preparation — for some folks that includes changing out dishes, shopping for Passover items (checking local selections, contemplating trips to Toco Hills), drawing up guest lists, preparing for our tribal Spring cleaning. Important as all those items are, I feel compelled to consider the more Continue Reading »
As I write these pre-Purim words, I’ve been thinking a lot about the powerful play several of us (shul and Temple member, and a few other friends) took in at the Alliance Theater. I’m referring to The Temple Bombing, based on the novel (2006, same title) by Melissa Faye Greene. I confess to not having Continue Reading »
New beginning bristle with the joy of discovery and the power of renewal. That’s what moves us to rousingly chant Shehechiyanu שהחיינו שat b’nei mitzvah and anniversaries. And the first time we enjoy a fruit in season. And the moment we affix a mezuzah to the front door of a new home. Our brand new Continue Reading »
We will celebrate Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks. In the Torah Sha-vuot celebrates the bikurim בכורים, the first fruits. Our sages refashioned Shavuot into z’man matan torateinu זמן מתן תורתנו the time of the giving of the Torah. Each year we have an opportunity to prepare ourselves anew to receive Torah. The bimah becomes Mount Continue Reading »