Today is October 15, 2024 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571


When we use this word this way: I want you to concentrate — we’re saying somethingabout gathering our mental energies in order to focus on something. In a very different  context, we might refer to a particular liquid (orange juice, for example) in a concentrated form. Then, we’re talking about something that we dilute in order to achieve the desired mix. With this in mind, let’s consider the coming Hebrew month, Tishrei. The new year starts off with a bang: a bunch of holidays lined up in close formation. Concentrated holiness — important ideas, special prayers, rituals – all stuffed into this busy month. Teshuva (repentance, return), forgiveness, the joys of Sukkot, the fragile beauty expressed in the sukkah, and Simchat Torah (don’t you dare forget Sh’mini Atzeret!). Apples and honey, listening to the shofar blasts, fasting, spending some social time in a sukkah, dancing with Torahs. Jewishly speaking, it’s the busy season.
What did the shapers of our tradition have in mind when they built the month of Tishrei? I compare Tishrei to a high capacity battery: we spiritually plug into this structure of ideas and rituals in order to take in a full charge. We concentrate our minds and our physical energies; we bolster each other’s spirits in community; we feel a closeness with tradition in shul, we eat and socialize in temporary dwellings.
By the end of all the holidays, we’re a bit spent. Hopefully, some inspiration lingers. The big ideas need to sink in; we need joy to lift us up when the road is rough. Heshvan (rolling in at the start of November) has no holidays, but, thanks to the supercharged month of Tishrei, we’ll be ready to meet the challenges, to plant the possibilities, to mend the world.

That’s our mission.