Today is March 13, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

CSI 2017-18 Religious School Year

Welcome to our CSI 2017-18 Religious School year! In spite of a little delay in our schedule due to Hurricane Irma, we have got ten off to a great start. We are so glad that everyone survived the  challenges of the storm, with power outages and property damage. We are all safe and very thankful for that!
Our first day of CSI Sunday School and Afternoon Hebrew was September 17, 2017. The morning began with an all school program, including students, teachers, and parents. After introductions of our students, classes, and teachers, class pictures were made. Everyone then participated in an activity brought to them by Lara Geller and Chrissy and Isaac Crabtree. The three of them attended the ISJL Education Conference this past June and learned about the SWOT Analysis. All in attendance shared their thoughts on our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. We got wonderful feedback that is being compiled and shared with our teachers, Board of Education, as well as our Board of Governors. Pam Webster led us in some Brain Gym movements to keep our morning going! When students and teachers left for their classrooms, parents then had time for coffee and the opportunity to ask questions, and just visit with each other. At 12:00 we returned to the sanctuary for a program on fire safety in the synagogue, led by Jeremy Webb, Fire Safety Educator from the Macon-Bibb County Fire Prevention Bureau. Thank you to Jennifer Bernstein and Theresa Rosengart for helping to coordinate this.
Mark your calendars for the Sunday School events coming up!
Sunday, October 1st will be Pajama Day and Cereal in the Sukkah. Come have breakfast at Sunday School in your PJ’s!
Friday, October 20th will be the Consecration Ceremony of Graham Bullington, Ethan Piassick, and Sam Wilkinson. This will take place during our 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service.
Friday–Sunday, October 20-22, we will be hosting our new ISJL Education Fellow, Carley Abramson. You will have several times to meet her at Friday night services, Saturday morning services, and at Sunday School. Please come and welcome her.
All in all, we are off to a wonderful start! Thanks to everyone who plans, organizes, supports, and helps make our school great! It takes a village!