Today is February 24, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Endless Days of Summer

The long, hot days of summer seem endless…but of course time marches on. If we are blessed to live out a generous number of years and get a perspective of the big picture, what is really important is recognizable. For most this includes family, friendships, compassion, health, perseverance, joys, knowledge, and faith. Our conscious mind is filled with an array of memories of people, places and emotions. Sometimes we forget things…events, promises, goals, only to be reminded of them later when we least expect it.
Was it only a little over a year ago, that we sat in High Holiday services ushering in another Jewish New Year and resolving on Yom Kippur to be “better” versions of ourselves? Perhaps we challenged ourselves to smile more, gossip less, help others, attend Shabbat services eagerly and often, be slower to anger, forgive easily, to extend apology to repair relationships and just in general be more of who we know Adonai wants us to be. If today were the Day of Atonement, how would we fare?
It is said that every new day is a chance to begin anew! A chance to make adjustments to stay on the right path to allow us to fulfill our personal goals, expectations and visions. Sometimes it is all too easy to “waste” a day…to put the world on pause and take a day off. But every day matters. Every day is important. Our presence and actions influence others even when we are unaware. However, G-d is aware always.
Study of the Torah reveals many times people lost their way. We can all relate! But our Jewish faith allows us to accept that the challenges we may face (which at times may never be fully understood) are part of the “Grand Plan” sometimes known only to our Creator. For me personally, every time I attend a service, daven songs and prayers, and hear words of Torah, there is insight to be gleaned that seems to be exactly something I needed to hear that day. This opportunity exists weekly all throughout the year for everyone at Congregation Sha’arey Israel. Services, Shabbat dinners, special events and more present a multitude of ways to enrich our lives and our faith. In a world that can be troubling and downright frightening at times, our sanctuary (a real treasure in the heart of Macon, Georgia) provides a place to worship, share fellowship and remind us to hold tight to our faith. I extend sincere appreciation to all the various hardworking committee chairs and dedicated members who met over the summer to enhance the upcoming season for all of us! Thank you!
See you around shul!