611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
So somewhere between the remaining days of Hanukkah and 2017, the flu “bug” decided to call my body home! Being highly allergic to one of the preservatives in the flu shot I’m unable to receive it. Luckily, I have been fortunate over the years not to catch the virus but once in childhood and most recently, now. It’s amazing how something microscopic can totally destroy one’s daily itinerary and reduce your “to do list” to mere wishful thinking! Still I like to always see some bright side to things and the forced bed rest did give me time to pause and reflect. Actually a periodic assessment in one’s life is a good and useful thing, according to the experts. Back at Yom Kippur besides praying for atonement, we also challenged ourselves to make better choices in the new Jewish year 5777. This has some similarity to the new secular calendar year when most folks endeavor to make at least a few well intentioned resolutions. These might include eating healthier, exercising more, having extra patience, stressing out less, laughing often, calling or visiting family and friends more and so on. Sounds so easy, right? Sometimes much harder to implement!
It’s also a great time to really define one’s goals. Specifically, what do you hope to accomplish in 2017? Do you aspire to have a career promotion, to ready for retirement, to read more books, perhaps repair a damaged relationship in your life, to finally clean out those closets at home, complete that half finished project you started, get more involved with your community, child’s school or place of worship, etc? The first step toward success in any initiative is to recognize what it is you wish to accomplish. A new year is the perfect time to get reenergized and “back on track” as they say. Most good things don’t happen by chance but are the result of hard work, determination and perseverance. It’s also important to strike that balance between pursuing your goals yet remaining mindful of all the blessings in your life that over time you might fail to appreciate.
At our synagogue, your leadership team of officers, various committees, other volunteers, and rabbi, strive to make each year the best it can be for our membership. Worship services and special programming, community outreach, religious education, financial stability…are just some of the many areas addressed with thoughtful discussion and action each year. There is no magic wand. But instead the diligent collaboration of committed and caring congregants that transform ideas into reality. Thank you for your involvement! Thanks as well for the wonderful donations to the Annual Fundraising Campaign, Endowment Fund and other funds to provide the necessary revenue for right now and in the future.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and peaceful 2017!