Today is February 24, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Reflecting on Purim, and Preparing for Pesach

Wow!!! What can you say? I think we saw a Purim event which tops all that we have ever seen!

The amount of work of all the volunteers to make such an event happen is something we should all be proud of.

There are so many that if I tried to thank everybody individually, it would fill all the allotted space for my article. Thank you to everybody who worked so hard to make Purim such a wonderful evening! We are truly blessed with some great volunteers who give it their all to make such an event happen!!!

Speaking of volunteers, seeing all the pictures from our Sunday School Purim event was amazing. I think many of the adults are like me in the fact that they are jealous that they did not have similar experiences when they were coming up through Sunday School. Thanks to Jen and all the members of the Board of Education who consistently put together such great programming for our kids.

We are having Coffee, Lox, Bagels for all members on the first Sunday morning of each month. This in not only for Sunday School parents, but for all members to have a chance to come together to get to know each other and schmooze a little. Come join us!

As we move into April, we are starting to prepare for Pesach. What are those favorite family traditions you continue to carry forward at Pesach? Matzah balls with Meat? Shot of tequila prior to starting the Seder? Orange on the Seder Plate? Farfel in the soup? Favorite Songs? What is your favorite food during Pesach? When is the last time you updated your
Haggadah? Ah, so many things to think about.

When you combine ideas from Purim and Pesach, we have some pretty important things to think about. From Purim, we must work to “blot out Amalek/Hatred” in any form. Rabbi’s Friday message recently, Remember! Blot it Out! Don’t forget was excellent. Please go back and read this one if you missed it. With Passover, we must always remember we were once slaves. Treat the stranger in our midst with respect and dignity.

You’ll find information in our bulletin, about our upcoming Adult Ed Movie night in Milledgeville on April 7th and our community observance of Yom Hashoah on April 28th at Stratford Academy.

Please mark your calendar that we will be moving our May 17th Friday night service to Milledgeville to the Home of Gail and Jack Krapf.

Seeing the amount of past members/former congregants tuned into Facebook for our Purim shpiel, reminded us that we want to put together an “CSI Alumni” database. Please email me contact information of any “alumni” who would like to receive our emails and other communication from us on a regular basis.

I hope everybody has fluffy Matzah balls and a wonderful Passover! ITS SO FLUFFFYYYYYY!!!!