Today is March 11, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Summer BOE Report

“So often you find that the students you are trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you!” (Sean Junkins). The close of our religious school year gives us a chance to pause and reflect back over all the fun and learning we have had with our wonderful students. The remarks the teachers made at the CSI Awards and Recognition Program was evidence of how special our students are,and how productive our time together has been. We have celebrated Jewish holidays, learned about Jewish history, traditions, and culture, and supported tzedakah projects locally as well as in Israel. In addition to learning, the wonderful friendships and connections that continue to develop are so dear and priceless. These relationships are what strengthen the core of our school!

Our last day of Religious School was May 20th . We celebrated Shavuot by learning about Moses and the Ten Commandments, and participating in a Ten Commandment Scramble. Students discussed the Ten Commandments and put them in the order they thought was meaningful. Teachers shared their class’ tzedakah projects. Our youngest class, The Seedlings, learned about service dogs and how they can help people. They are contributing $128.50 to the Israel Guide Dog Center. The First –Third Grade class is contributing $84.86 to The Mentor’s Project. The Fourth – Sixth Grade class is contributing $70.00 the Children’s Hospital. Our Teen Class also collected tzedakah for the Children’s Hospital.

Attendance awards were Olympic style with gold, silver, and bronze medals. Morgan Bernstein and Sophie Denisar received Gold medals for perfect attendance. Maya Rubinstein, Rivka Brown, and Sylvia Brown received Silver medals for only one absence. Eileen Crabtree, Lilah Hutten, and Jaden Adler received Bronze medals for only two absences. Congrats to all! Families were recognized as “Nacho Average Family” and thanked for all of their help and support. Students received a “planet earth cookie” with the message “You mean the world to CSI!” CSI expressed appreciation to teachers with a “Thanks a Latte” gift card. Thank you to Anne Bayme and Chrissy Crabtree; Jenna Denisar and Lara Geller; Pam Webster and Jay Freedman; Jennifer Bernstein and Emily Piassick; Rabbi Aaron Rubinstein and Rabbi Aaron Sataloff; and Teen Aides Isaac Crabtree, Nicole Hill, Jack Finkelstein, and Amitai Ilan for teaching this past year. Isaac and Jay did double duty, teaching both Sunday School and Hebrew. Also thanks to Hillel Kaplan for being our Librarian. Everyone invested so much of themselves into making Jewish learning fun and interactive. We wrapped up the morning of Shavuot with ice cream sundaes. Two of our four Teen Aides are graduating from high school this year. We will miss you, Jack and Isaac! Good luck and have fun in college! Come back and visit!

We want to wish congratulations to our Teen Class Confirmands, Sophie Denisar and Maya Rubinstein. Confirmation was held on May 4th followed by a Shabbat dinner. Sophie and Maya, with the help of Laurel Robinson, created two pieces of art to donate to CSI, and will hang in the Teen Room. Rockin’ Shabbat
also happened on May 4 th as part of the adult service and Confirmation.

Summer is almost here! Make the most of it! Read a Jewish themed book, light Shabbat candles, say the Shema, come to Shabbat services, bake challah, continue to collect tzedakah, have fun and be safe! “Don’t count the days of summer, but make the days of summer count!” See you all in August!