611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
Dear Congregants,
Welcome to March, with cold weather that morphs into warmth. It’s time to cut back the roses if you haven’t already and get your seeds prepared for planting. Dust off the porch furniture and get ready for Spring. After the winter we’ve had, we’ll all be happy to see it.
Many thank-yous to the team that brought us the Super Bowl Party in February: Michael, Lara, Elmo, Jami, Dan, Shelley and the rest. It was a lot of fun having it at CSI this year, with games for the kids, the photo booth, delicious food, and healthy team competition for everyone.
Please note that CSI is moving forward with our “Building the Next 120 Years” campaign to envision the future for our shul and include more members in all activities. Two gatherings have already taken place with more to come. I hope that everyone will be able to join these forums when invited. We need your thoughts about what’s best about CSI and where we could stand to improve. What ideas do you have for programs and initiatives? What committees would you like to join or lead so that your thoughts will translate into action?
Right now, we have two committees that need members and leadership. One is the Social Action Committee, which works with Daybreak to serve the homeless in Macon. Another is our Library Committee, that will re-think and organize our synagogue’s library. I’ve already heard from a few members who have ideas for the library, and we welcome more. If you are interested in either of these committees, please contact me right away.
Make your reservations now for our Purim festivities on March 13th. Dinner will be served at 6 pm followed by Rabbi Aaron’s spiel of music and comedy at 7pm. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED for the dinner, so call or email Stephanie in our office with your name and how many are in your party. Adults are $20 and kids are free.
Please come to Shabbat services in person or via Zoom. We want to see you to share in blessings and prayers and also to help make a minyan for those needing to say Kaddish. Whether you come on Friday evening or Saturday morning (followed by a delicious lunch) – or both! – you’ll find the Shabbat service to be a rewarding spiritual and social experience.
Have a great month. See you in shul.