Today is February 23, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

What does the Ritual Mean to You?

The Torah already has the child asking their parents — — מה העבודה הזאת לכeht si tahwם meal all about? Why do you take the trouble to make everything special? What are we trying to say through the celebration? I believe that our answers evolve in response to the experiences which shape us.

This Passover will certainly feel different in light of our tentative steps toward a new normal. Communities large and small — including our little Kehillah —have weathered some daunting challenges. The first Shabbat of April featured an uncommon 3-torah reading, along with a little chapel with a nice-sized crew of davenners. For me, chanting Hallel was not only about ushering in the month of Nisan — freedom and the colorful burst of Spring. It was about our building, slowly but surely, coming back into its own.

Our world is certainly beset by many troubles, and there’s plenty of heartache that still shackles people near and far. And the Torah reminds us that averting our gaze is not a morally acceptable option. But amidst the ruin — we need to celebrate the moment and cherish community. The road to liberation is long. One step at a time; pushing forward, supporting the fallen and reaching out to the stranger. Because our ancestors knew the bitter lot of the stranger. Let all who hunger come and partake.

May your Passover be sweet and filled with blessings.